Newborn Must Haves


Hi friends! This post is long overdue but I finally put together all the items that were a life saver for us the first few months of being parents. We still use most of these products to this day. I remember in the beginning with Landon there were a lot of sleepless nights and we were looking for all things that would help us calm little Landon. It’s true what they say, new parents frantically order items in the middle of the night. I hope this post helps you get ahead of it before your little one is here.

BabyBjorn makes some wonderful products! Our first purchase with them was this Bouncer. It was a purchase that was made at 2 am when we couldn’t get Landon to calm, he was and still is a baby who loves to be on the move. After spending multiple hours and day bouncing him we needed another solution and this was a Godsend to us, in all honesty still is. The second item we ordered was the Baby Carrier Mini. It is a great carrier that is easy to use.

Gripe Water has been very helpful for the days Landon has discomfort in this tummy. We use it still to this day. It works like magic! Also they have this Nighttime Gripe Water as well.

Nursery Items

One of the most important things for us during those middle of the night changing is not to wake Landon up with bright lights. This Night Light helped us keep the room dim but also help us see each what we were doing.

If there is one thing you should consider buying its this Changing Pad. There are a lot of changing pads out there where you have to put a sheet over and although those work great I didn’t want to do more laundry. During the messy diaper changes, it’s great to have a pad that’s easy to clean. Plus this pad allows you to weight your baby as well. Trust me you won’t regret this purchase!

Baby’s Sleep

Landon was never a fan of the bassinet, so there was a lot of nights/days spent sleeping in the Dock-A-Tot when he wasn’t laying on us. It has some great padding without having to worry about your child suffocating or getting a flat head. We used it as a sleeper on our trio to LA last July.

These days it seems as those Swaddling is the hot topic. We watched some videos and learned how to swaddle, however little Landon always found away to get out of it. After some research we came across these Swaddles and they changed the game for us, nothing easier than zipping your baby into it without having them fight you.

For naps we used these Muslin Blankets to swaddle him and it worked great for us because he slept on us a lot.

We stopped swaddling Landon at 2 months, he wasn’t a fan so then we started putting him in these Zippy PJs. They have two zippers, which makes those late night diaper changes easy.

Sound Machines are key for Landon to get a good night’s rest. When our little babies are in our bellies, it’s very loud for them and they are use to having noise to sleep. We use the Hatch Sound Machine for all sleeps at home. We use the Baby Shusher for trips out, car rides, etc. The Shusher also helped during the diaper changers in those early days.

These must have items helped us get through those tough Newborn days and continue to help us. I hope this helps you prep for your newborn’s arrival. Comment down below if you used any of these items and what has helped you as well. Xo!

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